Thomas Klasmeier’s Blog

  • Die Geschichte der Thermometrie

    The History of Thermometry – From the Beginnings to Precision

    Temperature Heroes: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants The history of thermometry is a story of discoveries, errors, and groundbreaking insights. It begins with the first attempts of antiquity to understand heat and cold, leads through the ingenious simplicity of Galileo Galilei’s thermoscope, to the high-precision Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) of our time. Every […]

  • Temperature Calibration

    Temperature calibration is a crucial process across many industries, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of temperature measurement instruments. These instruments are used in various applications such as manufacturing, healthcare, research, and energy production. Inaccurate readings can lead to production issues, safety hazards, and increased costs. By comparing temperature measurement instruments to certified reference standards, calibration […]

  • Calibration of Thermometers at Extremely Low Temperatures (-80°C to -180°C)

    Die Kalibrierung von Thermometern bei extrem niedrigen Temperaturen, die von -80 °C bis -180 °C reichen, stellt eine erhebliche technische Herausforderung dar. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die technischen Möglichkeiten, um Thermometer bei diesen extrem niedrigen Temperaturen zu kalibrieren.

  • Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRT)

    Introduction Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) are highly precise thermometers that use the electrical resistance of platinum to measure temperatures with very high accuracy and repeatability. The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) uses SPRTs as an interpolation instrument to establish a globally uniform and reliable basis for temperature measurements and calibrations. What are SPRTs […]

  • Thermometer kalibrieren

    Thermometer kalibrieren ist der Prozess, bei dem sichergestellt wird, dass ein Thermometer korrekte Temperaturmessungen liefert. Dies wird durch den Vergleich der Messwerte des Thermometers mit einem Referenzstandard (zum Beispiel einem Temperaturfixpunkt) oder einer bekannten Temperaturquelle (Vergleichskalibrierung) durchgeführt. Das Ziel der Kalibrierung ist es, eventuelle Abweichungen oder Fehler zu identifizieren und ggf. anzupassen, sodass das Thermometer […]

  • Resistance Thermometers: Functionality and Application

    Resistance thermometers Pt100 are precise temperature sensors widely used in a variety of industrial and scientific applications. Their principle is based on the variation of electrical resistance of a platinum wire depending on temperature. The ‘Pt’ in Pt100 stands for platinum, the material the wire is made of, and the ‘100’ indicates that the resistance […]

  • Thermocouples: Function and Application

    Thermocouples are thermometers that are widely used in industrial temperature measurement. They are particularly suitable for measuring high temperatures. But how do thermocouples work? How can you measure temperatures with two simple wires? The key to understanding lies in the Seebeck effect. Background The Seebeck effect, first described by Thomas Johann Seebeck in 1821, is […]

  • Stabilization of thermometers

    Controlled tempering increases the stability of thermometers. In temperature measurement, stabilization helps to improve the accuracy and lifespan of thermometers. In the DAkkS calibration laboratory (accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) of Klasmeier, various temperature sensors such as standard thermometers, reference thermometers, SPRTs, HTPRTs, Pt100 and Pt25 are used. These sensors undergo a defined […]

  • The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)

    The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) is a globally recognized temperature scale introduced by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). It serves as a global standard for precise temperature measurements and is based on the concept of thermodynamic temperature. The ITS-90 is a revised version of the previous International Practical Temperature Scale […]

  • Water triple point

    The water triple point is a specific state where water exists simultaneously in all three phases (solid, liquid, and gaseous) in thermodynamic equilibrium. The water triple point is an important reference temperature for calibrating temperature sensors and thermometers. Basic knowledge The water triple point occurs at a specific pressure, typically defined as 611.657 Pa (0.0060366 […]


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